Hydrogen Detectors
Hydrogen Detectors
Hydrogen is an excellent fuel for a variety of applications and an important part of the world’s energy transition to clean, renewable sources. However, working with this flammable and explosive gas requires careful management and proper safety procedures, including hydrogen detection systems.
Portable and fixed hydrogen gas detectors monitor air for the presence of this odorless, colorless, tasteless, and non-irritating gas. They are used for personal protection in hazardous gases, battery rooms, hydrogen fuel cells, and other indoor settings where leaks can happen quickly. Learn more gasleakdetector.com
Hydrogen detectors work by converting the H2 concentration into an electronic signal and then comparing it to the set alarm points. The device then emits an alarm when the H2 level is too high. Often these systems also include a display to let employees know the current concentration and can trigger a ventilation system to reduce the amount of hydrogen present in the air.
Hydrogen Leak Detection Techniques: Exploring the Options for Reliable Detection
For hydrogen leak detection on pipe and fittings, chemochromic paints like Element One’s DeteCoat provide an instant visual indication that there is a hydrogen leak by changing color. The reversible change in color allows technicians to see the location of a leak and then use a neutralizing solution to return the paint to its original color.
Hydrogen sensors should be bump tested and calibrated regularly to ensure they are functioning correctly. This is especially important in LIFE-THREATENING and DANGEROUS applications, as a malfunctioning sensor could result in imminent injury or death. Bump testing exposes the detector to a known gas source for a short period of time, which helps verify it responds and alarms as programmed and builds confidence in the device. Generally, bump tests should be performed daily, and calibrations should be done every six months (depending on manufacturer recommendations).