Asbestos Removal Maryland

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Mold remediation maryland is a known carcinogen and lung irritant. It can also cause serious respiratory diseases including mesothelioma. Asbestos removal is a complex process that requires special training and oversight.

Is it OK to paint asbestos siding?

EPA recommends in-place management, rather than removal, whenever asbestos is discovered in a building or facility. In most cases, this will control fiber releases to a level that is not harmful to occupants.

Repair: Small areas of asbestos material can be filled and sealed with commercial products designed to do this. These products are available at hardware and home improvement stores.

Sampling: A professional should sample all suspected materials to determine if they contain asbestos and if so, the amount. The sample should be sent to an accredited laboratory.

Asbestos Professionals:

The federal government has a list of trained and certified professionals that work with asbestos. Ask each person working in your home to provide proof of completion of the required training.


All contractors who perform asbestos removal, encapsulation, and inspection projects must be licensed by the State of Maryland. They must also carry a photo identification card.

Asbestos Worker Protection:

New laws introduced by Maryland last year offer stiffer fines and longer jail sentences for contractors that violate asbestos worker protection laws. The legislation was based on testimony from union leaders and asbestos workers.

Protocol Development:

In order to safely conduct any asbestos abatement project, it is essential that the area be surveyed and a protocol developed. The protocol documents the location of asbestos containing materials, identifies any work that must be done and documents the health and safety aspects of the project.

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